Open ERC Grants
for Regional Projects

Dear applicants,
The Empowering Regional Cooperation (ERC Grants) Call for Proposals is open for new applications! This is the 7th Call for Proposals of the Western Balkans Fund, co-funded by the European Union, IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.

With a maximum grant size of 30.000 EUR, this new Grant Scheme is the largest ever launched by the Western Balkans Fund, doubling the size of our previous largest grants.

This Call for Proposals will remain open from 9 May to 17 June 2024. Only Civil Society Organization and other eligible stakeholders (see Guidelines for Applicants) are eligible to apply. This Call will not support individuals!

Please find here below the guidelines to ensure a successful application.
We wish you a successful application!
The Secretariat of the Western Balkans Fund

Guidelines for Applicants ERC Grants

Applications can be prepare and submitted through this Applicant portal.
Watch the short video how to apply on the ERC Grants Call.

If you have any question or difficulty on compiling the application, please write to us on

Note: For already registered applicants from 4th, 5th, 6th Calls or Move Grants, the credentials for registration remain the same